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Quick facts

Population: 5.789.957 (2018)

Area: 42.916 square kilometres

Population density: 131 pr. square kilometre (2018)

Geographic region: Scandinavia, Northern Europe

Gross domestic product: DKK 2.178 billion (2017)

GDP pr. inhabitant: 334.260 DKK (2018)

Capital: Copenhagen, 1.323.231 (2018)

Other major cities: Århus 341.497, Odense 202.663, Aalborg 231.271 (2018)

Form of state: Constitutional Monarchy

Government: The Liberal Party (Venstre), The Conservative Peoples Party,  The Liberal Alliance

Head of state: Queen Margrethe II (since 14 January 1972)

Head of government: Lars Løkke Rasmussen (since 28 June 2015)

Life expectancy: Women 82,9 years, men 79,0 (2018)

Language: Danish

Religion: 75% Members of the National Church (Lutheran Protestant)

Currency: Danish Kroner, DKK. 1 Krone = 100 Øre

Source:  Statistics Denmark:
OECD Dataset: